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Systemic constellations, also known as family constellation therapy, was developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. It aims to uncover and resolve subconscious patterns believed to be passed down through generations within families and social systems.


1. Family System: Views a family as a complex system where individual behaviors and issues are interconnected with those of their ancestors.

2. Representatives: In sessions, individuals are chosen to represent family members or significant figures in the client’s life. They are arranged to intuitively represent family relationships and dynamics.

3. Field of Awareness: The therapist and client observe the positions and sensations of the representatives, tapping into a "morphogenic field" or collective unconscious holding the family system's memory.

4. Healing Sentences: The therapist introduces phrases that representatives or the client can say to help resolve issues, such as acknowledging past traumas or affirming new boundaries. 


5. Transgenerational Trauma:  Reveals how unresolved traumas from previous generations can be passed down, affecting the current generation's health, relationships, and well-being. 


6. Orders of Love:  Refers to the natural laws that govern the functioning of family systems. Violations of these orders, such as exclusions or lack of respect for the hierarchy, can lead to dysfunction within the system.

Family Photos in B&W


* Insight: Provide deep insights into family dynamics and unconscious influences.

* Healing: Facilitate emotional healing by addressing unresolved family issues, leading to behavioral and emotional changes.

* Resolution: Help find resolutions to longstanding problems by restoring balance within the family system.


* Family Issues: Address dysfunctional dynamics, transgenerational trauma, and relational conflicts.

* Personal Issues: Assist with emotional difficulties, relationship problems, or career issues.

* Organizational Development: Apply systemic principles to resolve issues within organizations and work environments.


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